For Patients with confirmed/suspected COVID

  • Do you have confirmed/suspected COVID or symptoms?
  • Are you 65 or older?
  • OR under 65 and CEV (clinically extremely vulnerable)?

Contact the practice on 02086841162 for a telephone or video clinical assessment.

Patients who meet the CO@H criteria:

  • If suitable, you will be instructed about 14 day home oximetry monitoring process.
  • Your next of kin will collect a patient information pack (including oximeter, patient diary and leaflet) with a signature.
  • If you do not have someone able to collect the home oximeter let us know at the time of the appointment and we will make arragements.

You must then record in diary your SAT levels 3xs a day. If you SATs are:

  • 92% or less to call 999 or attend A&E
  • 93-94% call 111 or GP practice (GP practice to speak to patient to decide if further action required)
  • 95% and above to continue monitoring

You or your next of kin or carer must inform practice if you are admitted or an ambulance called.

Once you SAT levels are stable you may be discharged from CO@H.

  • return device.
  • Device will be decontaminated as per guidance and returned to stock.
  • If you are symptomatic after 14 days then further clinical assessment needed and action taken as clinically appropriate. SEE LONG COVID PAGE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION